
03 - June - 2021

"Pravaah 2K21": CSE Dept's online fiesta attracts 4.3K viewers

"Pravaah 2K21": CSE Dept's online fiesta attracts 4.3K viewers

Author: Dr. Ramani Bai V

The CSE Dept conducted the Association/Department Day, Pravaah 2k21, with much zeal and vigor …

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CSE student project gets wide recognition

CSE student project gets wide recognition

Author: Dr. Ramani Bai V

A group of students of Vidya found a new way of implementing the technology of augmented reality for marketing. It is the current COVID-19 …

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11 students score SGPA 10 in S2 B Tech exam results

11 students score SGPA 10 in S2 B Tech exam results

Author: Webadmin

In the recently published results of the end-semester examinations of S2 B Tech programmes, as many 11 students of Vidya secured  SGPA of 10…

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"Agneya 2K21": ECE Dept's virtual cultural fete with 50+ items

"Agneya 2K21": ECE Dept's virtual cultural fete with 50+ items

Author: Dr. Swapna Kumar S

The ECE Dept of Vidya hosted an online cultural fest, Agneya ’21, on 26 May 2021. As many as six online contests were organized as part of the fest…

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"Prodigious": PE Dept's online artfest

"Prodigious": PE Dept's online artfest

Author: Dr. Dileep K

The PE Dept conducted an online cultural event titled "Prodigious" on 28 May 2021 at 3 PM. The objective of the event was to create some happy memories for the students who have been leading isolated lives during …

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"Agravitas": CE Dept's online cultural event

"Agravitas": CE Dept's online cultural event

Author: Dr. C. Justine Jose

The CE Dept of the College hosted its online Dept Day programme titled Agravitas on 27 May 2021. The program started with prayer followed by welcome speech…

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CSE student selected as Content Writer Trainee (English) in Mathrubhumi

CSE student selected as Content Writer Trainee (English) in Mathrubhumi

Author: Dr. Ramani Bai V

Athira M R, a student of S8 B Tech (CSE-A) batch has been selected as Content Writer Trainee (English) in the online edition of Mathrubhumi which is one of the largest …

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S2 B Tech (CSE) students develop website offering marketing strategies

S2 B Tech (CSE) students develop website offering marketing strategies

Author: Dr. Ramani Bai V

A group of S2 B Tech (CSE) students developed a website that provides unique and efficient marketing strategies and processes to clients that seek them …

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ME faculty member participates in webinar on ventilator design

ME faculty member participates in webinar on ventilator design

Author: Dr Ramachandran N

Mr Praveen A P (AP, ME Dept) participated in the webinar on "Ventilator: Design Perspective" organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics ...

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Vidya organises online mock KEAM/NEET examinations

Vidya organises online mock KEAM/NEET examinations

Author: Santumon SD

Vidya is exceptional in conducting various programmes for the benefits of the student community and society in general. As part of Vidya’s Initiative for Better Engineering…

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CSE student develops E-commerce website

CSE student develops E-commerce website

Author: Dr. Ramani Bai V

Vishnu Anilkumar (B Tech CSE S4 B) developed an online e-commerce website which offers agricultural products like cross laminated tarpaulin, agricultural grow bags…

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NSS volunteers take part in virtual activities during lockdown

NSS volunteers take part in virtual activities during lockdown

Author: Chithra M

Video creation On 18 May 2021, a group of NSS volunteers of Vidya prepared a short video showcasing the importance of using double mask during this pandemic period…

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CE faculty member serves as reviewer for international conerence

CE faculty member serves as reviewer for international conerence

Author: Dr. C. Justine Jose

Dr Abhilasha P S (Asso Pro, CE Dept)  received a certificate of appreciation for her contribution as a reviewer in the Second International Conference on Structural...  

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